When Elvis died ?
When kennedy was assassinated ?
When Lennon was shot ?
When Armstrong walked on the moon ?
And where will you be on Friday evening during my the private View of my exhibition at Bedford School?
It’ll be like missing The Stones in the park or Dylan’s Rolling Thunder Revue and you’ll be kicking yourself…
unless of course no one turns up …
in which case it could be a lot like Armstrong’s moon walk, but with paintings.
Anyway (think positively) Its hung and … it’s red.
I took thirty eight paintings to Bedford at the weekend. It tok nearly seven hours to drive from hastings to Bedford ! But I had recovered by Sunday morning when I met Michael Croker, who is the head of the Art Department, at Bedford School.
The exhibition space was a surprise. It’s red, very red and I felt like a Foetus for a while.
Save for an occasional warm splash most of my colour is cool and so the red walls worked nicely against my canvasses. Michael really is used to the space and he and my team (my Marketing director, Technical director the driver) and I managed to hang thirty five paintings. I think they look good.
It isn’t an ideal exhibition space; it’s a thoroughfare, a busy crossroads and some of the shapes were curious, like these wedges under the stairs, but even these turned out to be opportunities rather than problems.
I like that idea that my work will be here for a month, largely ignored by the majority of five hundred schoolboys who will rush back and forwards past my paintings every day. Perhaps just one or two boys will stop and notice something.
There will surely be many boys at the school who will have played with the same plastic cowboys and Indians that I painted in my series of Playmobil tableau and I wonder what they will make of seeing their toys in this new context.
(Michael Croker and Russell Dorey on the morning of the hanging)