I’ve just had to get forty paintings finished, framed varnished, bubble wrapped and to my BEDFORD SCHOOL EXHIBITION, how the hell did Hannibal* get a load of elephants across the Alps ?
I’m about to put up an exhibition at BEDFORD SCHOOL.
The Private View will be from 7.30 until 9 PM on Friday the 3rd November and the exhibition will run until Wednesday the 15th November. But I have no one to invite. Almost the only person I know who live near Bedford is in the process of moving to the Isle of Wight (I’m astonished at the trouble people will go to not to have to come to my exhibitions).
Does anyone know anyone who is both wealthy and has impeccable taste and lives near Bedford who might enjoy my paintings ?
I have this lot stacked in my study waiting for Joe to arrive in his Berlingo tomorrow morning (Joe is a man who moves at his own pace and moreover prefers the path less travelled when an opportunity presents itself so I’ll expect him when I see him). We will then whisk the pantings up to Bedford where I hope to be reunited with the pile of paintings that my Technical, Marketing and Transportation Director took last weekend (It’s like the Royal family not travelling together in case of an accident).
I’ll meet Michael Croker, the director of Arts at the school, and we will hang the exhibition at the weekend.
I was interned in a boys boarding school for nearly a decade. I left forty years ago and I’ve never been back; this might be weird and it will certainly be interesting.
* (No, not an episode you missed but Hannibal Barca the Carthaginian general)