russelldorey • 22 July 2017


FEMINA. (oil on canvas. 25″ x 34″) cat no 289

Since I wrote a post on Facebook about my Red Corsican Coffee Pan   just a couple of days ago I’ve received two (private) Facebook messages. Both told me that it was a mistake to have said, about an unsold painting, that I would like to have used the old ‘twisted bottle’ that I had broken in the painting instead of the bottle I used.

The gist of both messages was that they felt that my comment made the painting seem less good and so it was less likely to be sold. They shared a commonly held belief that Russell is utterly crap at marketing his work. That is not untrue; I am a bit rubbish at marketing because I’m not interested enough in selling. A gallery owner did once suggest that I stay away from my own Private View because I have been known ‘unsell’ paintings. He did not get his way and I disagree with the comments I have just received.

My defence is always the same anecdote: I once showed paintings at the house of friends in Islington. My paintings were as a backdrop to a party turning it into an event. The host is a Tax lawyer and his wife is an excellent cook and it was a good party. The hostess, I’ll call her Janis (because it’s her name), worked the floor for me. She asked people if they liked the painting they were looking at and if they said that they did she suggested that they buy it and, for the most part, they did.

I was swanning about with a glass of something lovely in my hand, being alternately a bit of a star bit and a little nervous, talking to people as I watched more red dots being deployed when my sister’s friend Liz told me that she would “like to buy the little painting of the lemons”. “The lemons !” I (allegedly) exclaimed, “Why do you want to buy that one ? It’s the worst painting here” and I led her to it and started to expound about the painting’s faults. Janis had seen and heard the exchange and some time later I felt her hand on my shoulder and her voice in my ear saying “And she didn’t buy the lemons did she.”

Yes, I know, so far this seems to be perfect proof of my finely honed ability to screw up a sale, but there was more…

ZAZIE SE CACHE (oil on canvas. 28″ x 30″) cat no 275

A little later I watched a man going back and forwards between the two paintings that were also my favourites in the exhibition. People buy paintings for all sorts of reasons and sometimes it might just be that there is a certain sized patch on their wall they want to cover. It’s nice to sell any painting but it’s especially good to feel that someone ‘gets it’, that they understand the painting and like it for the right reasons. I asked this man why he liked those two paintings and we talked and he asked me which of the two paintings I would buy. I said that ZAZIE SE CACHE was just too quirky so it would be FEMINA. He bought FEMINA and for five times the price on the lemons and he told me that he too had overheard me unselling the little lemons painting and it was that which had persuaded him to take my advice and buy his painting.

My sister has that little painting of lemons. I asked her and she has just sent me a snap of it… I sort of wish she hadn’t replied, I’ve had to force myself to post the picture (it was a dreadful painting) but at least I’m pretty sure that no one ever reads my BLOG !

by russelldorey 19 October 2020
In response to a recent post on my Facebook Group (‘Russell Dorey’s Studio’) about my imminent exhibition (at THE CROWN, All Saints Street, Hastings Old Town, East Sussex, TN34 3BN. From 17th NOvember to the 31st December 2020) my friend Gill commented that she loved the little painting of a single pear. She’s right; it’s […]
by russelldorey 18 October 2020
I like painting lemons and the best ones are the big lumpy lemons that you don’t find in supermarkets (a friend went to Brighton to buy lemons for me a month ago). Painting yellow is unlike painting anything else. I can’t build the forms methodically and analytically. The only way that I can finish paintings […]
by russelldorey 17 August 2019
Every week I cycle to Rye, up through Ore, down Battery Hill to Pett Level and then along the coast and through the bird sanctuary to Rye Harbour. It’s a fabulous ride and most of it is downhill or on the flat. I meet my Friday lunch buddy and then I peddle home, inland through […]
by russelldorey 4 February 2019
( My Massacre of the Innocents.  Oil on canvas.  34” x 29” ) Over a year ago I began working on my own version of a painting by Nicholas Poussin, the Massacre of the Innocents which he painted between 1625 and 1631. It is a complex painting, a riot of shapes and of colours and it […]
by russelldorey 5 December 2018
My father wrote a lot of letters to politicians and to the press. In these letters he would rant about a number of diverse issues, so his letters were not always succinct. I think that he wrote so many letters about the many subjects that exercised him that he may have relied upon the text […]
by russelldorey 25 November 2018
Someone wrote in my Facebook group (Russell dorey’s studio): “I’ve seen somewhere a piece of your work including a pair of spectacles. Would you ever use the same ‘prop’ twice?” ( Only a heap of broken images. 32″ x 38″ cay 569 ) Yes. I would and I do. I’m like a dog with a […]
by russelldorey 19 November 2018
When I was younger, so much younger than today I never needed anybody’s help in any way. But now these days are gone and I’m not so self assured… I’ve been looking at this painting. I wrote a post about it when it was finished some months ago, but I’ve already finished it so many […]
by russelldorey 7 November 2018
It’s still the afternoon of day one and I’m still in Cezanne’s beautiful studio at Les Lauves. I am jealous of that studio. A little French woman insisted on breaking into my reverie giving a terrible talk in not very good English. There were some interesting facts and some of it was rubbish but some […]
by russelldorey 7 November 2018
Ten minutes before Cezanne’s Studio reopened after lunch I was waiting on the road outside. Cezanne had his studio built on the hill, LES LAUVES, north of the town in 1901. The studio was then the only building beside the track that is now a busy road with houses and flats along it as Aix […]
by russelldorey 7 November 2018
One month ago I left my house obscenely early one morning in the pitch black and plodded down to Hastings station to catch the first train of the day to Gatwick airport. I didn’t see anyone or a single car moving and I didn’t really believe that the 5.08 train would run. There were however […]
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